Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas #3
Christmas #2
A White (Day After) Christmas
Home Made Music
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Headed Home
I’m now headed home from Boston. I will not return for over a month, with classes not starting until February 2nd! It’s going to be an enjoyable and long break from the daily rigors of coursework. While 6 weeks off seems like a lot, it’s going to fast.
The first two weeks of break will be spent with family and friends celebrating Christmas and New Years. I have many friends and family to catch up with in Indianapolis so scheduling is going to be hectic but worthwhile.
After the holidays at home, I’ll be rejoining the LGO class for our Domestic Plant Trek where we will be traveling around the country visiting various manufacturing facilities of our program’s partner companies. That will be an excellent and fun experience.
After the plant trek, we have interviews for summer internships… which means crunch time. We will each be interviewing for at least 13 internships over a week. It sounds like a lot of suit time to me. I better get my suit to the dry cleaners when I get back into town.
Then classes start again. See how fast that goes?
Sunday evening, Dank, my roommate from undergrad was in Boston visiting his brother. We were able to connect up in the Boston Commons and hang out for the evening. It had been almost a year since I’ve seen him so it was great to catch up. We headed to several bars and venues in downtown Boston before heading on our ways. A perfect last night in Boston.
Early Christmas
The Boston winter, thus far has been pretty mild. There have only been a few days below freezing… until now. My parents flew in on Thursday, and the Boston winter hit hard Tuesday with a significant temperature drop into the 20’s and even teens with significant snow fall expected over the weekend. Thursday night we enjoyed home cooked pizza and the 14th Indianapolis Colts win of the season (and no losses) via the internet because, like most Colts games, it was not broadcast in the Boston area.
Friday while Rebecca and Dave were at work, Mom and Dad and I headed to MIT’s campus for lunch, bookstores, and a quick visit to the MIT Museum. A quick tip for anyone going to the MIT Museum… go upstairs first! It’s deceivingly big up there and we ran out of time before we saw everything..
Friday evening, Laura arrived and we met back up with Dave and Rebecca for a delicious dinner at Gargoyles in Davis Square. Laura and I then headed back to my apartment to work on our Christmas gifts for the family!
Saturday started with a morning run and stair climb. Laura and I ran to campus and then ran up the stairs of the tallest building in Cambridge… twice. We then ran home and got ready to celebrate Christmas.
We arrived at Dave and Rebecca’s apartment and were greeted with smiles, hugs, and BREAKFAST! After breakfast, we relaxed for a while, watched some movies, listened to Christmas music. Dave spent the afternoon preparing and cooking the turkey while the rest of us enjoyed each other’s company and waited for the blizzard to hit.
After dinner, we exchanged wonderful gifts. The snow began to fall as we settled down to watch the movie Elf. We stayed warm inside as 8 inches of snow collected overnight… a beautiful sight to wake up to with the family at Rebecca and Dave’s apartment.
Sunday was by far the most relaxing day I have experience in recent memory. I did NOTHING and it was great. The most work that I did was moving from the air mattress on the floor to the couch. A wonderful weekend after an intense semester.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sanda Speedo Run
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Speedo Status
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Christmas In the Commons
First Snow
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Good Lookin' People
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Money Train

I was riding the Red Line T the other day and while I was waiting to head inbound toward MIT and Boston, the outbound train pulled up. I quickly pulled out my phone and snapped this picture. The yellow sign in the window of train car indicates the destination of the train. Look close! I guess this one was on it way to MONEY!!!