First week back in class, and it's surprisingly nice. I feel as though I'm taking a more manageable course load this semester. Combine that with classes that I find more interesting and you have a great stage set full of scholastic achievement waiting to happen... assuming I don't get too distracted by extra-curricular activities (which in case you aren't aware, is VERY easy to do).
My classes this semester:
2.62 Advanced Energy Conversion
2.739 Product Design and Development
15.402 Finance II
15.871 System Dynamics
15.900 Strategic Management
As I'm sure I've mentioned previously, MIT likes numbers. Building are numbered... Majors are numbered... uhhh, that's all I can think of right now but I'm sure there is more. Looking at the class numbers, the digits before the decimal (2 or 15) represent the Major/subject. 2 is Mechanical Engineering, 15 is Business. The numbers following the decimal are for the specific class. I haven't figured out the order thought. Most schools it goes by grade level, but here is seems to be more like subjects. Many of the Mechanical Engineering energy related classes are 2.60 - 2.80 or so. Sometimes there are 3 digits, sometimes just 2. Maybe someone will explain it to me someday.
As usual, here are some pictures from being back on campus!
Here is an 8am class that I considered taking... until I realized it was at 8am 3 days a week and is not required for my academic program. It's simultaneously broadcast to a classroom in Singapore for a group of students there. They can be seen on the left screen. They had mics and could participate in the class. Pretty cool experience.