Every LGO blog I have read always comes to the post where it is discussed what to do with the blog. Some continue to provide incredible insights to the program,
like Kacey. Other blogs (like mind) have been quietly placed aside hoping no one would notice that I haven't posted graduation pictures. Others continue to serve their purpose as a record of LGO history.
I think I have figured out what to do with mine. One of the things I've enjoyed most about this blog is taking the pictures and sharing them. Today, I bought a new camera (much better than the 7 year old point and shoot that served me well for many years of use). I'm very impressed with the first few shots and wanted to share them. Not knowing where to turn, I decided the blog would work well.
The Park Near my Apartment |
The Dog in the Park Near my Apartment |
My Street - Where Every House is the Same (the trees are blocking the other side of the street) |
So here's to my new photo blog - hopefully not much will change other than the quality of the pictures!