I flew home for my 2nd time this summer for a family reunion. While I was nervous about the intense heat and humidity that I expected in Indiana, it turned out to be beautiful and 70 degrees for much of my visit (I'm not used to the weather anymore, I've been away to long and especially enjoying the mild climate of Seattle). Thank you Indiana!
Anyways, I was home for the annual family reunion on my dad's side. This year was special because EVERYONE made it. That may not seem like a big deal, but to my knowledge, this has never happened. The total count came to 61 people who spent three days playing golf, swimming, relaxing, eating pizza, playing cards, and enjoying each other's company. We have been doing this same event for 10-15 years now!
It always starts on Sunday with the golf tournament. 12 to 16 of the guys head out on the course for a scramble... and it is serious competition. The winners get possession of the famous gold club trophies and have bragging rights for the next year. We're talking serious... so serious I went to the driving range the day before with my dad and brother...
And as always, a big thank you to Grandma and Grandpa who pay for much of this great event every year.