Monday, October 26, 2009


I need your help!

I have signed up for two events for which I need to raise money. The first event happens this December. Several classmates and I will be doing the Santa Speedo Run here in Boston. It is basically what it sounds like. A mile long run on December 6th in the streets of Boston wearing a speedo... like a polar bear plunge without the water. We each must raise $250 in donations in order to participate. There is no time keeping or prizes to win, but that doesn't mean I'm won't be training. I plan to start taking cold showers, stop wearing a shirt when I go for a run regardless of the weather, and most promising, sit in the open coolers at the local grocery stores. As far as funding thus far, I have nothing.

The other event is the Race Up Boston Place... much like the Bop to the Top in Indianapolis, this is a vertical race UP a skyscraper. I have registered proudly with an Indiana address (thanks Mom and Dad!) and hope to be in the top 30. In Indianapolis, I finished 11th out of 1225 participants in the 37 floor race. Here is Boston, the competition seems tougher and the race is longer with 42 floors of competition (only 5 more floors but each floor is taller here in Boston, I check the building stats) thus I have loosened my goal. Fortunately, I have access to the tallest building in Cambridge with my MIT ID to help with the training. Once again, for this race there is a mandatory $100 donation and I have nothing.

Please consider any sized donation. Donating is VERY easy with web based credit card or pay pal payment located on each events donation page. Based on the counter from this web page, $1 from each person would be more than 3 times my goal. Thank you in advance for your generosity and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. As YES, I will be dedicating a post for each event.