Monday, November 15, 2010

Getting Wiggy With It

I was invited to my friend Allison's Birthday Pub Crawl on Saturday. But this was no ordinary Pub Crawl... or the famed Red Line Pub Crawl... she had the genius idea to make it a wig pub crawl. Everyone was responsible for securing and wearing a wig for the duration of the evening. As you can see from the picture below, the styles and colors (and facial expressions) varied tremendously, making our group VERY easy to find.

Due to the large number of people who turned out for this spectacle (30+), the pub crawl turned into more of a pub stall. Not that I'm complaining because the company was great and the beers were MUCH cheaper than Boston ($2 vs $5-6). Looking back at the pictures, I find it hilarious to see how many times people switched wigs. I'm pretty sure I saw my friend Nicole in 3 or 4 different wigs throughout the evening.

While a wig would be fun, I opted to use this opportunity to cut my annual mohawk. I needed a hair cut and a wig, why not both?!? The only problem... no wig switching for me.
Who knows what will bring out the mohawk next year.

***Please note, the title of this blog "Getting Wiggy With It" is not my original work. I stole it from from the title of Kristina's online photo album for the evening.