Sunday, July 26, 2009

Everyone Loves the Beach Boys

Last night, I returned to the Esplanade, the famous bandshell on the Charles River in Boston, for another free concert. A local radio station hosted the event that starred the Beach Boys!

As usual, our class had a large representation at the event. A simple email with a few times and location is all it takes, which I took the liberty to compose. When setting the times, I severely miscalculated the popularity of the Beach Boys. I was under the impression that I was the only person in Boston who at the age of 7 thought the Beach Boys were the greatest. However I was wrong. The venue was indescribably packed with fans young and old.

Showing up an hour before the show, we arrived to find the seating area full. Given the size of our group, we didn't even try to squeeze in, instead we sat across a water channel on a small island in the Charles, and attempted to listen and watch the show through trees from about 200 yards away. Needless to say, our ability to actually view the show was rather obstructed, but we could hear it, and that's all that matters. For "a bunch of old guys" they sounded really good.

During the course of the night, I discovered that most of my classmates also shared a similar childhood passion for the Beach Boys. It was fun to hear them live because they hold a special place in my childhood hear. I can clearly remember my sister and I dancing/jumping around the living room until the Beach Boy Endless Summer vinyl album skipped and my dad had to reset the needle only for us to do it again (I'm sure he appreciated the damage to the record and player that our "dancing" was causing).

Catch a wave and your sittin' on top of the world.... pictures to come!